The start of Balancing rock canyon. I know, it's hard to tell where the rocks are but they are there. They will stand out better when I detail them more and paint them. The rocks do move, through a cable system. There's the stationary rock attached to the base of the layout, and a moving rock on top attached to the stationary rock by a spring ,(I tried a hinge, but it would get jammed too much, and a spring "wiggles" more. ). The cable pulls the moving rock down and the spring pulls it back into position! All the cables go to one point under the desert scene and a longer cable is attached to the point and goes to the train controller next to Cascade peak where it is controlled.

The start of Rainbow Caverns. Every thing still needs painting. The red is a "test color" I tried on the rocks that glows under a black-light.

This is what is taking so long. Adding the Pack mules (Highlighted in Green). I rebuilt the back section of Cascade peak to add the cliff. So it's more like building two rides in one. Cascade peak also has it's base coat of paint.